It’s All Happening at Redlands Creative Alliance
Category : Arts
There is often more to art than paint brushes and creativity. There is a very practical side behind the scenes. There are, of course, exhibitions, marketing, administration, plus also keeping up to date with that is happening. I’m a member of Redlands Creative Alliance and it’s all happening with them at present. The Alliance, run by Chair May Sheppard, has been operating now for 7 years and has a strong membership that expands daily.
Redlands Creative Alliance Activities
Winter Exhibition
This is in full swing – if you haven’t already checked out the exhibition, pop into RPAC (Redlands Performing Arts Centre) in Cleveland and see some very amazing artwork. Sure, three of mine are there, but also some other wonderful pieces. Most pieces are for sale, but don’t let it go too long – the exhibition closes on Friday 24th August.
The Alliance Plans to Incorporate
Whilst some people are wary and fearful of change, I, for one, am excited about this opportunity for the Alliance, its members and the local art community. As an incorporated organisation, we have a more united front, are able to access opportunities which were not available before. It offers members protection (officers and members of the association do not have accountability regarding the payment of debts and liabilities incurred by the association), clarity and yes, even simplification. Whilst many ‘Inc’ organisations do have auditing requirements, if you are a smaller tier, this is not necessary. An ‘Inc’ is a legal entity, so it can have a bank account and even apply for grants. It also protects the entity’s name. With these changes and a formal committee, this allows the Alliance to go from strength to strength.
Upcoming AGM
The Redlands Creative Alliance is having its AGM at RPAC on August 18th (Saturday) from 2pm to 4pm. This is located in Middle Street, Cleveland – opposite the Police Station. Tea and coffee will be supplied.
Remember that the Redlands Creative Alliance aims to:
- Promote and stimulate the arts – all forms of arts
- Enhance and raise awareness of an arts culture and creativity in our wonderful Redland City
- Enhance the artistic quality of local arts activities, with encouragement and support
- Preserve our diverse cultural and artistic traditions within the Redlands
- Assist with sponsorships and grants for local artists and local groups
- Promote and/or organise events, classes, exhibits, competitions and displays
- Create and provide resources to assist local artists to flourish – including public liability insurance for all members
- In short, be a united art community and voice within the Redlands.
Take time out to attend the AGM, and if you have relevant skills, May is certainly seeking volunteers to take up positions, such as Treasurer. If you’re passionate about a creative Redlands, whatever your area of interest is – artist or not, then help the Redlands Creative Alliance to assist local creatives in Redland City. Queries at all regarding the AGM or positions available, or of course membership, can be directed to Hope to see you on August 18th!